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Teacher Enhancement Programme

Teacher Enhancement program (TEP)

Cohort #2 Teacher Enhancement Program Success Rate
Success Rate 79.1%

Highlighting a Success Rate of 79.1%:

  1. This percentage represents those who registered and commenced classes (cohort 2) compared to the number of graduates.
  2. Cohort #2 was dedicated to equipping teachers with skills necessary for navigating socio-cultural issues.


See below testimonials from teachers who have undergone training organised by TEP:

I learned a lot about on teacher Competencies and I will definitely apply the learned Competencies in class.

The course was really helpful in my personal growth and development as a teacher and has really exposed me to different ways of doing what I do on a daily basis as a teacher and as an administrator. It has given me new directions on how to make things work effectively in the classroom and the whole institution as well. Asanteni sana.

It has been an eye opener which has awakened my spirit for career progression.

The course refreshed my minds and realized that there is a lot I can do when integrating technology in my teaching. A variety of sites I can visit to help me spice up my teaching content 

The pedagogical approaches to learning has enlightened me especially in understanding the role of the teacher and how to effectively enhance learning in this new CBC 

Am glad that I got an opportunity to join this course. I appreciate the good work done and the positive impact it will have on my teaching career. Implementation of what I have learnt will help improve my teaching/learning experience 

It has really changed my attitude towards learners. Equipped my approach in teaching to be effective and reach all learners with different abilities 

Subject Content Pillar

Exploring the Subject Content Pillar

We are currently piloting the Subject Content pillar with one engaged school.

Guidance and Counselling

Highlighting the Introductory Workshop Held in March 2024

The statistics from the workshop are as follows:

  • Creation of an online community consisting of 105 G&C teachers from 33 counties in Kenya and 2 counties in Nigeria.
  • The workshop impacted at least 3,150+ students.

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