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Psychosocial Support

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What is Mental Health?

Mental Health is the part of our health that is related to our ability to think, feel, learn, work, build meaningful relationships and contribute to the world. 1 in 10 children suffer from a mental health condition and never get the mental health care they need,this is according to UNICEF.

In this section you will learn about mental health and how to offer psychological and social support. You will also get access to resources that can help you or your learners improve their mental wellbeing.

Mental Health and Guidance and Counseling

In most public schools in Kenya, mental health and psychosocial support services are offered by the guidance and counseling teacher. Most guidance and counseling teachers are not trained as mental health professionals, but they can offer significant support to help learners in prevention of mental health problems and offer psychological and emotional support.

The following resources will help you to offer learners psychosocial support and help them solve the day to day challenges presented in the counseling offices.

Educational Videos

Watch the videos below to learn more

How to counsel Adolescents
Establishing trust and rapport while counselling adolescents
5 tips for communicating with adolescents
Trauma in Adolescence
Symptoms of Trauma in Learners
Signs of Depression in Adolescents
Webinar Recording: Mental Wellbeing of Learners + Demo on Msingi Resources (1st March 2024)
Webinar on Psychological Effects of Floods (18th June 2024)

Role of Parents in Adolescents

Role of parents in adolescents

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Role of Relationships in Adolescents Mental Health

The role of relationships in adolescent mental health

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Adolescents Relationships & Mental Health

Adolescents relationships and Mental Health

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Drug Addiction

Module 1

Drug Addiction

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Module 2

Drug Addiction Module 2

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Module 3

Drug Addiction Module 3

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Teenage Pregnancy

Explore the resources on this section! You can read the embedded PDF, watch the video, or listen to the audio file for more information.

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Educational Learning Content


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats. In small doses, anxiety is helpful. It protects us from danger, and focuses our attention on problems. But when anxiety is too severe, or occurs too frequently, it can become debilitating.

What is worry?

Use this worksheet to educate children and young adolescents about worry, help them become more aware of their own worries, and learn about physical symptoms of worry. Finally, the worksheet opens a conversation about healthy strategies to manage worry.

What are the symptoms of stress?

Stress is one way that our bodies respond to the day-to-day struggles and demands of life. A little bit of stress can be healthy—it keeps us alert and productive. However, when we experience too much stress, it can result in serious physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms.

What is the cycle of depression?

A stressor is any situation that causes strain or hardship. These may be short-term or long-term.

What is the cycle of depression?

A stressor is any situation that causes strain or hardship. These may be short-term or long-term.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is a powerful emotional response to a distressing event, such as war, an accident, the unexpected loss of a loved one, or abuse. Trauma can continue to cause both emotional and physical symptoms for many years after the event has concluded.

Resources provided by:

Feedback from Teachers

Most frequent questions and answers
  1. “I lower myself to be like their elder sister”
  2. “It’s a tough role and I have other subjects to teach, besides counselling students”
  3. “Sometimes I get resources from Counselling interns who come to our school”
  4. “I use my own experiences of growing up, to counsel my students”
  5. “ I find it hard to ask students questions, some might get offended if I ask”
  6. “Sometimes it’s difficult to guide them I need someone who can teach me how.”
  7. “Sometimes I exchange notes with the principal for support”
  1. Drug addiction
  2. Effects of alcoholic parents
  3. Early pregnancy and challenges of returning to school after giving birth,
  4. Abortion by parents’ demand
  5. Boy/Girl relationships
  6. Sexual harassment and exchange of sexual favours for money with bodaboda riders
  7. Problems at home e.g children of parents who suffer from drug and substance use disorders
  8. Poor academic performance and disinterest in school,
  9. Need for guidance on choice of subjects and dropping out of school
  10. Poverty and low resources
  11. Sexual and physical abuse , emotional abuse from parents
  12. Childhood trauma

Free Mental Health Helpline

Dial 116

Childline Kenya: A toll-free helpline with 24/7 support from a counsellor. Dedicated to children, or children-related issues

Dial 1199

Kenya Redcross: A toll- free helpline available to the public in Kenya with 24/7 free counselling services-serves all ages

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